Random movie news
apparently actor
Stellan Skarsgård has just been cast as the father of
Orlando Bloom's character (Will Turner) in the next
Pirates of the Caribbean movie(s). Which is all fine and good, except that in the first movie they say repeatedly that Will Turner is the "splitting image" of his father...and, well...do these two guys look at all like each other to you?
Now, obviously, Skarsgård will for all intents and purposes look completely different in full pirate get-up, but still... hmm.
For those of you who care (and I have no idea why I do and can in no way explain why I'm posting this or pretend like I know what/who half of the places/people mentioned even
are...), here's the block of text that scrolls up (it's called the "crawl", apparently) at the beginning of
Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
*shrugs* I got excited when I heard about the original trilogy being released as a DVD boxset, too. And I barely even remember those movies at all. Chalk it up to its being [pop-]culturally important or something, I guess.